Would you like a good burger? I mean….a really good burger?! Look no further! Really….stop looking and start heading to Bayside Bar and Grill. You can’t miss it downtown, there is a large pelican ready to scoop you up and bring you in right above the door! Bayside used to be a few different establishments — and personally I never cared for the predecessors. I didn’t know how Bayside would be, but the first time we tried it out after they opened I was happily surprised! I ordered the fish tacos the first time I went there, and they were very tasty They were very light and fresh tasting and have become one of their most popular dishes. The second time I went I tried the BLT. Again, so good! Just what you want from a BLT.
Third time I went…I tried the classic burger. Since then, I am hooked on the burgers! It’s a half pound of pure delight. The burger comes with lettuce and tomato and you can add other toppings like cheese/bacon/onion. I like a good burger and I look around for one that will make me crave it — Bayside Burger tops the bill. In fact, just writing this makes me want to run into town and grab one to go! So you’re in Walker for the weekend and you see the obvious burger stop..Hardees..but think past that and hop into Bayside Bar and Grill instead, you won’t be disappointed. Check out their website in advance: www.baysidebarandgrill.com